Thursday, June 4, 2009

Plea to Insurance Companies

A natural disaster is the effect of a natural hazard that affects the environment, and leads to environmental, financial, and/or human losses. Currently, Insurance Companies classify these as Floods, Tornadoes, Lightning, Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and other “Acts of God.”
I am writing this letter to request that toddlers be added to this list.
Toddlers have a tendency to flush things such as Mommy’s car keys, Daddy’s Cell Phone, and Nerf Balls down the toilet. This causes flooding, often severe in nature, leading to financial loss and at a minimum, the contemplation of loss of human life.
Toddlers are human tornadoes and earthquakes combined. They have the ability to turn a perfectly clean and presentable room into a disaster zone in mere seconds. Having tripped over the results of these human explosions, I can assure you that they result in human losses. Broken toes, at a minimum, and hey, that’s a loss for this human.
Volcanoes. Give a toddler an ice cream, and then let them run around the house. Yeah. Enough said.
Since every child is “a blessing from God”, I firmly believe they can be classified as an “Act of God”, as well.
In closing, I would again like to express my wishes that Toddlers be added to Insurance Coverage under the “Natural Disaster” clause.
And if you can’t do that, can you at least fix my laptop? It was struck by lightning. True Story.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

I'm a horrible blogger.

The thing is, I want to blog. I REALLY do. I just suck at updating....and when I do want to, it turns into a bitch/rant. Because, you know, there isn't enough of that on the internet already.

Social commentary aside, I do actually have a whine fest going on right now, and this seems like as good a place as any to do it.

So, outside my apartment, they're doing construction. This has been going on FOREVER. Months. And it's the absolute worst right now, because the entire opposite side of our parking lot is BLOCKED OFF.

I know this doesn't SEEM like a big deal, but it so is. There are a LOT of people who live in these buildings, and so there's a battle for parking now.

And the funny/bad thing is, I would rather leave my van parked in the best spot and walk everywhere I need to go than risk loosing my "awesome parking spot." I just realized how ridiculous that is.


I won a contest! On Fairy Blog Mother, my e-friend Annette is/was doing a Mother's Day Madness give away on her blog, and I won a gift certificate to

I got theeeese ::

I think they're fabulous. And free, so that's even better.

Let's see..what else...



I have a date with myself. Wooo!

My lovely friend Georgia is watching my kids and I get to go to a movie. I'm ELATED.

Then, on Sunday, I'm taking Gidget and Bean to see MONSTERS V. ALIENS.

It's going to be a great weekend, I just know it.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

I owe you pictures

but I misplaced my camera cable.

I went through Ethan's room today and got an entire basket of junk (traaaaaash), basket of toys to pack away, and a whole bag of toys to pass on to my soonish-to-be-born twin nephews.

Other interesting things that happened today include this conversation I had with Ethan, which seems to be becoming the norm...

Hey Ethan...What’s in your mouth?

Uhm, Teeth. *shows teeth*

Yeeaah…what else is in your mouth?

Uh, Titty Wings! *opens mouth and shows blue tiddlywinks*

Can I have them?


Can I have them, please?

K. *spits them at me*

Uh, thanks dude.

Wuvs you, Mommy.

Love you too, Bubba.


Ew. Ew. Ew. He spit sloppy, spitty, blue tiddlywinks in my hand.

You would think that after 5 years of doing it, dealing with bodily fluids would be second nature, but yeah, no. They're still icky.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


I was SUPPOSED to take pics of these, and I promise I will and post the recipe.

Suffice to say, I made Roast Tomatoes at G's house today, and they were FABULOUS.

I also learned how to ninja the library off of my iPod, and was very proud of myself.

Other than that, blah blah blah, another day.

(I mostly just didn't want the boobie shirt at the top of my page anymore.)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

..if somebody looved me..

They'd get me this shirt.

It's part of which you should absolutely check out. And I mean, c'mon. It's funny. It's a retro owl, on a yellow shirt, that says boobies. That's funny. And Keep-A-Breast is a great cause.

Kids in Motion.

If you already know me, you know I have two kids. Ethan and Hannah. Ethan turned two on December 28th, and Hannah will be five on March 25th. They're huge.

They're crazy.

And they move all the time.

No, really. That's them, moving.

We recently decided to drop Ballet (as in -- today.) Ballet was lame. It started out cool, and Hannah loves to dance, but they do the same. thing. every. freaking. day.

And so we quit! BAM!

We're going to stick with Gymnastics (pictured above) and T-Ball starts in a few weeks.

Brandon (my husband) is deployed (again. to Iraq.), but will be coming home soon for his R&R.

YAY! Yay hurray!

I'm attending UMUC via the internet, shooting for an Accounting degree. Because, you know, the world needs more accountants.

Blah Blah Blah and new bloggerific.

I'm lazy.

Ok I'm not really lazy, I'm busy. And I deleted all the posts that used to be in this blog and I think it might be fun-ish or something to blog here.

So here I am. Blogging.

If you're here, you probably already know me, and are probably wondering why I'm blogging anyway.

Well, I guess I'll update about life/kids/school/deployments/etc.

Hi. Enjoy.