Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Kids in Motion.

If you already know me, you know I have two kids. Ethan and Hannah. Ethan turned two on December 28th, and Hannah will be five on March 25th. They're huge.

They're crazy.

And they move all the time.

No, really. That's them, moving.

We recently decided to drop Ballet (as in -- today.) Ballet was lame. It started out cool, and Hannah loves to dance, but they do the same. thing. every. freaking. day.

And so we quit! BAM!

We're going to stick with Gymnastics (pictured above) and T-Ball starts in a few weeks.

Brandon (my husband) is deployed (again. to Iraq.), but will be coming home soon for his R&R.

YAY! Yay hurray!

I'm attending UMUC via the internet, shooting for an Accounting degree. Because, you know, the world needs more accountants.